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How this came to be...


When God places people in your life with complementing talents and similar passions and aspirations, you get to work and wait to see what He's having you build.

Some of the very first music to enter my ears and to come off my lips was that which I heard in church as a child. I have always been drawn to sacred music, and more and more I feel that I am being called to contribute my voice to spreading its great beauty and truth.

God has not only given me this passion, but He also led me to a brilliant husband who among his many gifts, has an eye for videography. Our mutual passion for sharing the faith led us to recognize how God may be calling us to combine our gifts for His work.

We have also been greatly blessed to have developed friendships with others who share our passion and feel called to contribute their awesome talents of music, videography, photography, scriptural knowledge, and web design, and more.

It isn't often that an idea becomes a reality so quickly, but once we started talking about "this psalm project idea" to these talented people in our lives, it was clear that God had already put the same spark in their hearts and we were off!

When your director is all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful, there's no telling what may become of your work .



For the season of Lent 2018, we sent out weekly emails reflecting on the psalm for the coming Sunday as well as a brief reflection on its meaning. As there is a beautiful diversity of people within Christ's Body, there is also a beautiful diversity of music within the Church, which we highlighted with different styles of music.

If you'd like to stay-tuned for upcoming projects, please subscribe via email below or CLICK HERE to SUBSCRIBE on YouTube.